• Results for
    • (ghost and (fishing or fish))
  • (56)
Hawksbill turtle swimming towards camera with diver in the background - Mexico Susanne Skyrm / Marine Photobank Hawksbill turtle,Eretmochelys imbricata,Turtles,Testudines,Sea Turtles,Cheloniidae,Chordates,Chordata,Reptilia,Reptiles,Caret,Tortue Caret,Tortue à bec faucon,Tortue à écailles,Tortue imbriquée,Tortuga de Carey,Eretmochelys,Animalia,imbricata,Carnivorous,Coral reef,Terrestrial,Appendix I,Coastal,Pacific,Aquatic,Atlantic,Indian,Critically Endangered,IUCN Red List
Hawksbill turtle swimming towards camera with diver in the background - Mexico - Susanne Skyrm / Marine Photobank
Two rays drowned by getting trapped in an abandoned fishing net - Virginia Susanne Skyrm / Marine Photobank Ray,Batoidea Sp.
Two rays drowned by getting trapped in an abandoned fishing net - Virginia - Susanne Skyrm / Marine Photobank
Starfish surrouded by balloon debris - California Stephanie Lennox / Marine Photobank Starfish,Asteroidea Sp
Starfish surrouded by balloon debris - California - Stephanie Lennox / Marine Photobank
Weedy seadragon - Victoria, Australia Richard Wylie / Marine Photobank Weedy seadragon,Phylloperyx taeniolatus,Syngnathidae,Actinopterygii,Ray-finned Fishes,Syngnathiformes,Chordates,Chordata,Common seadragon,Near Threatened,Animalia,taeniolatus,Australia,Particulate,Phyllopteryx,Coastal,Aquatic,IUCN Red List
Weedy seadragon - Victoria, Australia - Richard Wylie / Marine Photobank
Schooling fish around a pier for protection - Victoria, Australia Richard Wylie / Marine Photobank Reef fish
Schooling fish around a pier for protection - Victoria, Australia - Richard Wylie / Marine Photobank
Aquaculture and tourism - Sardinia, Italy Sarunas Zableckis / Marine Photobank
Aquaculture and tourism - Sardinia, Italy - Sarunas Zableckis / Marine Photobank
Northern gannet nest containing plastic fibres on Grassholm Island. gannets,Northern gannet,bird,birds,coast,coastal,coastline,human impact,pollution,ghost fishing,entangled,discard,rubbish,plastic,plastics,waste,fishing line,fishing net,threat,environmental threats,e
Northern gannet nest containing plastic fibres on Grassholm Island.
Northern gannet dead from plastic fishing line entanglement gannets,Northern gannet,bird,birds,coast,coastal,coastline,human impact,pollution,ghost fishing,entangled,discard,rubbish,plastic,plastics,waste,fishing line,fishing net,threat,environmental threats,e
Northern gannet dead from plastic fishing line entanglement
Volunteers free a juvenile Northern gannet entangled in nylon fishing net gannets,Northern gannet,bird,birds,coast,coastal,coastline,human impact,pollution,ghost fishing,entangled,discard,rubbish,plastic,plastics,waste,fishing line,fishing net,threat,environmental threats,e
Volunteers free a juvenile Northern gannet entangled in nylon fishing net
Volunteers free a juvenile Northern gannet entangled in nylon fishing net gannets,Northern gannet,bird,birds,coast,coastal,coastline,human impact,pollution,ghost fishing,entangled,discard,rubbish,plastic,plastics,waste,fishing line,fishing net,threat,environmental threats,e
Volunteers free a juvenile Northern gannet entangled in nylon fishing net
Volunteers carefully cut free a juvenile Northern gannet entangled in nylon fishing net gannets,Northern gannet,bird,birds,coast,coastal,coastline,human impact,pollution,ghost fishing,entangled,discard,rubbish,plastic,plastics,waste,fishing line,fishing net,threat,environmental threats,e
Volunteers carefully cut free a juvenile Northern gannet entangled in nylon fishing net
A mass of plastic fibres has snared a gannet, costing its foot if not life coast,coastal,coastline,human impact,pollution,ghost fishing,entangled,discard,rubbish,plastic,plastics,waste,fishing line,fishing net,threat,environmental threats,environmental threat,wildlife threat
A mass of plastic fibres has snared a gannet, costing its foot if not life
A mass of plastic fibres washed up from sea posing a threat to wildlife coast,coastal,coastline,human impact,pollution,ghost fishing,entangled,discard,rubbish,plastic,plastics,waste,fishing line,fishing net,threat,environmental threats,environmental threat,wildlife threat
A mass of plastic fibres washed up from sea posing a threat to wildlife
Heavy duty tin snips cut through plastic fibres entangling a gannet gannets,Northern gannet,bird,birds,coast,coastal,coastline,human impact,pollution,ghost fishing,entangled,discard,rubbish,plastic,plastics,waste,fishing line,fishing net,threat,environmental threats,e
Heavy duty tin snips cut through plastic fibres entangling a gannet
Volunteers untangling Northern gannets from discarded fishing line gannets,Northern gannet,bird,birds,coast,coastal,coastline,human impact,pollution,ghost fishing,entangled,discard,rubbish,plastic,plastics,waste,fishing line,fishing net,threat,environmental threats,e
Volunteers untangling Northern gannets from discarded fishing line
RSPB warden checking GPS tags on a Northern gannet gannets,Northern gannet,bird,birds,coast,coastal,coastline,human impact,pollution,ghost fishing,entangled,discard,rubbish,plastic,plastics,waste,fishing line,fishing net,threat,environmental threats,e
RSPB warden checking GPS tags on a Northern gannet
A Northern gannet being rescued from entanglement gannets,Northern gannet,bird,birds,coast,coastal,coastline,human impact,pollution,ghost fishing,entangled,discard,rubbish,plastic,plastics,waste,fishing line,fishing net,threat,environmental threats,e
A Northern gannet being rescued from entanglement
A Northern gannet being rescued from entanglement gannets,Northern gannet,bird,birds,coast,coastal,coastline,human impact,pollution,ghost fishing,entangled,discard,rubbish,plastic,plastics,waste,fishing line,fishing net,threat,environmental threats,e
A Northern gannet being rescued from entanglement
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